Our Materials

All of our sustainable materials are carefully sourced and thoughtfully repurposed.
Our hats are designed with a focus on sustainability, using natural fibers and handmade craftsmanship, ensuring minimal pollution and waste to the planet.
We are committed to using natural, biodegradable, and recyclable fibers as the primary material to produce high-quality headwear that can be used for a lifetime. We have been actively seeking innovative or recyclable materials to reduce our reliance on virgin fibers and replace a small amount of PET material in our product range.


Our favorite material! Wool is not only aesthetically pleasing but also natural, biodegradable, recyclable, renewable, and waterproof. When wool is discarded, it naturally decomposes in the soil over several months or years, gradually releasing valuable nutrients back into the earth.


Hemp has a minimal environmental impact. As a crop, hemp does not require synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or genetically modified seeds. This means that in areas where hemp is grown, groundwater, soil, or air is not contaminated by pesticides, insecticides, or synthetic fertilizers.


More toxins are released into the oceans during the growth process of conventional cotton than any other crop. It is for these reasons that choosing organic cotton is not only a wise decision but also the reason why we use only organic cotton in our product range. Our organic cotton is grown without the use of harmful chemicals or pesticides, thereby maintaining the cleanliness of the oceans and eliminating allergens found in conventional cotton cultivation. This not only provides our consumers with soft, high-quality fabrics but also gives them peace of mind in terms of their environmental footprint.


Our main straw materials are palm and raffia fibers, both of which are natural and biodegradable.Palm straw is lightweight and breathable, making it suitable for all seasons. Each palm leaf is carefully stripped from the plant and then handwoven into the core structure of the hat. Through weaving, palm straw transforms into a sturdy and durable band that can withstand various conditions.Raffia grass grows in Madagascar. This heavier straw is known for its durability and excellent sun protection capabilities.


Made in China where Silk was invented 5,000 years ago. Our high momme-weight material is super durable with a luxurious finish.
Certified as responsibly-made, our silk production minimizes resource use and
has the lowest possible impact on workers and the environment.


We are currently using 90% recycled cardboard and 10% regular cardboard for our hats boxes as well as 100% recycled hat fillers for our packaging.